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NC Tax 2024

New Caledonia Tax Tables 2024 - Tax Rates and Thresholds in New Caledonia

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This page contains the tax table information used for the calculation of tax and payroll deductions in New Caledonia in 2024. These tax tables are used for the tax and payroll calculators published on iCalculator™ NC, these tools are provided for your free use on our website. If you would like additional tax table information added to the tax calculators for New Caledonia or would like to add to or suggest amendments to the information herein then please contact us.

New Caledonia Personal Income Tax Tables in 2024

The Income tax rates and personal allowances in New Caledonia are updated annually with new tax tables published for Resident and Non-resident taxpayers. The Tax tables below include the tax rates, thresholds and allowances included in the New Caledonia Tax Calculator 2024.

New Caledonia Residents Income Tax Tables in 2024
Personal Income Tax Rates and Thresholds (Annual)
Tax RateTaxable Income Threshold
0%Income from $ 0.000.00to $ 10,777.00
11%Income from $ 10,777.01 to $ 27,748.00
30%Income from $ 27,748.01 to $ 78,570.00
41%Income from $ 78,570.01 to $ 168,994.00
45%Income from $ 168,994.01 and above
New Caledonia Non-residents Income Tax Tables in 2024
Personal Income Tax Rates and Thresholds (Annual)
Tax RateTaxable Income Threshold
30%Flat rate on all taxable income

In New Caledonia, social security deductions made by employees can be considered deductible for the purpose of calculating taxable income. This approach aligns with many tax systems worldwide, where contributions to social security by individuals reduce their gross taxable income, potentially lowering their overall tax liability. This deduction mechanism is designed to encourage participation in the social security system, acknowledging the importance of these contributions in supporting the broader social welfare infrastructure.

New Caledonia Social Security and Payroll Deduction Rates in 2024

In New Caledonia, the social security and payroll deduction system is designed to provide comprehensive coverage and support to employees, while also ensuring that employers contribute to the welfare state. This system covers a range of benefits including healthcare, retirement, unemployment, and family benefits. Both employees and employers are required to make contributions, although the specific rates and distributions vary.

New Caledonia Social Security in 2024: Rates for Employers and Employees
Health, Maternity, Disability and Death0%7%7%
Autonomy solidarity contribution ("Contribution Solidarité Autonomie"/ CSA)0%0.3%0.3%
Old-age Insurance (Tier 1)6.9%8.55%15.45%
Old-age Insurance (Tier 2)0.4%2.02%2.42%
Accidents at Work0%3.45%3.45%
Family Benefits0%1%1%
Social security surcharge ("Contribution Sociale Généralisée" / CSG)9.039%0%9.039%
Social security debt reimbursement contribution ("Contribution pour le Remboursement de la Dette Sociale"/ CRDS)0.49125%0%0.49125%
Supplementary pensions (Agirc-Arrco scheme) (Tier 1)3.15%4.72%7.87%
Supplementary pensions (Agirc-Arrco scheme) (Tier 2)8.64%12.95%21.59%
New Caledonia Social Security and Payroll Deduction in 2024: Earnings Thresholds for Employers and Employees
Health, Maternity, Disability and Deathn/an/an/an/a
Autonomy solidarity contribution ("Contribution Solidarité Autonomie"/ CSA)n/an/an/an/a
Old-age Insurance (Tier 1)n/a$ 46,368.00n/a$ 46,368.00
Old-age Insurance (Tier 2)n/an/an/an/a
Accidents at Workn/an/an/an/a
Family Benefitsn/an/an/an/a
Social security surcharge ("Contribution Sociale Généralisée" / CSG)n/an/an/an/a
Social security debt reimbursement contribution ("Contribution pour le Remboursement de la Dette Sociale"/ CRDS)n/an/an/an/a
Unemploymentn/an/an/a$ 185,472.00
AGSn/an/an/a$ 185,472.00
Supplementary pensions (Agirc-Arrco scheme) (Tier 1)n/a$ 46,368.00n/a$ 46,368.00
Supplementary pensions (Agirc-Arrco scheme) (Tier 2)$ 46,368.00$ 370,944.00$ 46,368.00$ 370,944.00

One of the primary components of the social security system is healthcare. Contributions towards healthcare ensure that employees have access to medical treatment, hospital care, and prescription medications. This system aims to provide affordable and accessible healthcare services to all residents, reducing the financial burden of medical expenses on individuals and families.

Retirement benefits are another critical element, funded through payroll deductions from both employees and employers. These contributions guarantee a pension to retirees, providing financial stability and support in their later years. The goal is to ensure that individuals can maintain a reasonable standard of living after they have stopped working, acknowledging their contribution to the economy during their working years.

Unemployment insurance is funded through payroll deductions and is designed to support individuals in the event of job loss. This benefit provides temporary financial assistance to unemployed workers, helping them to meet their basic needs while they search for new employment. It acts as a safety net, reducing the immediate economic impact of unemployment on individuals and their families.

Family benefits are another significant aspect of New Caledonia's social security system, providing support to families with children. These benefits can include allowances for childbirth, childrearing, and education support, aiming to ease the financial burden on families and promote the well-being of children.

Workplace accident and occupational disease insurance is a mandatory contribution, protecting employees in case of injuries or illnesses acquired in the workplace. This insurance covers medical treatment, rehabilitation, and compensation for lost income, ensuring that workers are supported in their recovery and return to work.

In addition to these specific contributions, there are other payroll deductions that may apply, including taxes and contributions towards additional pension schemes. The exact composition of these deductions can depend on the employment contract, the sector of employment, and other factors.

Overall, the social security and payroll deduction system in New Caledonia reflects the territory's commitment to social welfare and the protection of workers. By distributing the cost of these benefits between employers and employees, the system promotes shared responsibility for the well-being of the workforce. It ensures that individuals have access to essential services and support throughout their working lives and into retirement, contributing to the overall quality of life in New Caledonia.

New Caledonia VAT Rates in 2024

VAT rates for New Caledonia are reviewed annually, you can use the VAT Calculator to calculate VAT due in New Caledonia or use the Reverse VAT Calculator to calculate the net cost of goods/services after deducting VAT.

New Caledonia VAT Rates
VAT RateVAT Description
3%Reduced Rated
6%Reduced Rate
11%Standard Rate
22%Higher Rate

Historic Tax Tables supported for New Caledonia

The following tax tables are supported by iCalculator™ NC as part of the suite of free tax tools we provide for New Caledonia.